
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Yes, I am blogging when I should be sleeping. Connor's school Christmas photo is today and I couldn't find his plaid shirt I wanted him to wear, so I asked Mark to look. I put Connor to bed, but fell asleep with him, at 8pm, which means...

  • I didn't find the shirt, and neither did Mark
  • I didn't finish editing my designs at work
  • I didn't get anything cleaned up

I know I only have one child, but I am feeling overwhelmed. The house is a MESS, I cannot seem to find the time or energy to get it cleaned and keep it that way, so we are in a constant state of CHAOS and "where is...?" is a constant question around here. UGH!


Primal Mama said...

oh Jeni, I know the feeling, ALL too well! As Mark can tell you, my mother was never one for doing housework, so I struggle daily to not become her, ya know? I have panic attacks if someone (usually my in laws) shows up unexpected and I haven't had a chance to vac the floors yet that day or load the dishwasher.

Don't beat yourself up! I am sure you are doing the very best you can! Raising kiddos is HARD work ( no matter if you have 1 or 10, its still hard!)

I've heard great things about Motivated Moms, ( http://www.motivatedmoms.com/about-us.html ) I may give them a try, if I could only get motivated and find the time :P

Enjoy your weekend! :)