A Step Away from Social Services?

Friday, November 21, 2008

No, not really, but...

I went to pick Connor up from my parents' today and he wanted to show me something "SO COOL!"

"Look Mom, it's my coffin!" (he says beaming with pride)

"WTF?" (I silently think)

Ever since Halloween Connor has been obsessed with Dracula and Frankenstein. They don't scare him; he'll tell you they are "really cool pretend monsters, but don't be scared, they're not real." Connor wears a cape. Daily. So, it's really interesting when we're out in public and someone says, "Oh, a superhero! I've never met a real, live superhero before!" Connor then gives a look that implies "you idiot" (yes, he gets that look from me) and says "I'M DRACULA!" puts his arm up and covers half his face with his arm and cape, just as Dracula does...to which sweet old ladies in the grocery store are probably silently thinking to themselves "WTF?"

It was a cold afternoon full of indoor play, so my mom and Connor decided their craft today would be to create a Dracula coffin. We have a big cardboard box, complete with coffin shaped opening, a pull tab on the inside lid, and a pillow inside. I can just hear Connor now..."I"M DRACULA and I sleep in a real coffin at home, on my floor."

It's bad enough I cannot get my house cleaned, cannot seem to break through the chaos, and now, we have a coffin in the house, that Connor wants to sleep in each night, with his cape. I just imagine Connor sharing his coffin story, or the fact that he likes to crawl into the dog crate, with some stranger in the grocery store and the calls to Social Services flooding in. As I tell Connor's preschool teachers: I won't believe everything he says about you, if you won't believe everything he says about me.