Bibliophiles Unite!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

On my recent trip to Dallas I was able to see one of my co-workers whom is very like-minded with me, but varying enough to keep things interesting. As our conversation catch-up progressed, it turned to "what are you reading?" This is not only one of my favorite questions to answer, but also one of my top ones to ask.

My current booklist is posted on the right side of my blog, and yes, it needs some updating, but I am always looking for a good book. Recent suggestions I've received are A THOUSAND SPLENDID SUNS, THE KITERUNNER, TOBACCO ROAD, GOD'S LITTLE ACRE, THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES, and THE MEMORY KEEPER'S DAUGHTER.

While waiting in the airport the other day I picked up NIGHTS IN RODANTHE and being a Nicholas Sparks' work, I should have known better than to read it on the plane. I finished the novel during the last leg of my flight, and thank goodness the back of the plane was almost empty, as I had tears flowing by the end of the book. No, I've not seen the movie.

If you've not read EAT, PRAY, LOVE, I highly recommend it- hearts can be healed. I'm still a fan of Malcom Gladwell, so both THE TIPPING POINT and BLINK are high on my recommended list, as is FREAKONOMICS, of a similar genre. I'm still in and out of A WHOLE NEW MIND and THE LEXUS AND THE OLIVE TREE. Another one I started over a year ago and plan to return to is THE MEDICI EFFECT.

Anyone read THE YEAR OF LIVING BIBLICALLY? A guy tries to do just that- literally. I may add it to my list. But back to my favorite question: What are you reading? Please post your answers, as I am always in search of a good book.


Primal Mama said...

I have on my nightstand "eat pray love" I've only gotten through the first couple of chapters, but I do like it so far.

My midwife loaned me a copy of a book she just finished "friday night knitting club" so I'll start that one as soon as I finish the other :)