New Addition- Meet Marley

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Meet Marley, as in Bob, not "Marley and Me." Connor was between Marley Pumpkin and Perdita, and Marley Pumpkin won...or as he says it, "Mar-wee." Where did he learn of Bob Marley? We have friends with a little dog named Marley, Connor's Uncle Rudy is a Bob fan, and Connor has the above t-shirt. I digress...since Sammy has passed and Connor has come to terms with it, he's been asking, begging, for a "snuggle puppy, since Sammy is up in heaven and isn't here to snuggle me at night." Ugh, breaks your heart. This is a much easier request to grant than his other one these days: "Mom, I want a baby. Can you have a baby? Oh, and ask God to make it a BOY. No girls, a BOY!" We went to the pound on Saturday and met this little thing...

The pound listed her as German Shepherd mix. Hmmm, don't see that at all. Our vet thinks she's a Miniature Pinscher, weighing in at 16 pounds and smaller than our cat. Whatever she is, she's cute, sweet, and loves to snuggle.

Riding home- look at that smile on his face!

Puppy love

Worn out

Getting along with Salem

Dax is still top dog in the house, but is very accepting of Marley. Good boy! And good thing since he has an 80 pound advantage.


Primal Mama said...

ooh what an adorable doggie! :)