"Say What You Need to Say..."

Thursday, August 28, 2008

That John Mayer song has been running through my head this week.

You know that in the end
It's better to say too much
Than never to say what you need to say again

Well, I'm glad someone sees it my way. Seriously, it's just been one of those weeks. We finally had to put Sammy down yesterday, and I don't care if I seemed like a total idiot talking and crying to my dog in the middle of the vet's office. She gave us 13 great years; the least I could do was thank her, tell her how much she was loved, how much she'll be missed, and that it's ok to go...to be free of the earthly body failing her.

I've grown great relationships by taking a risk and saying what I needed to say, and I've crashed a couple by speaking my mind. In the end, I'm alright with that. I'm me, imperfect as I may be, and I require honesty and authenticity. I've been mulling over some substantial thoughts lately, related to my career, but I've taken no action. Today, I said what I needed to say, with the fear that it may have been too much or too premature, but with the comfort that opportunity will not pass me by due to my own silence or inaction.

If you could only
Say what you need to say


Primal Mama said...

I'm so sorry about your doggie :(

*many hugs*