Monday's Musings

Monday, August 18, 2008

A special treat for Connor lately is being able to snuggle in our bed and watch a movie of his choosing. I'm not one of those moms that allows my child to be a television zombie, so it truly is a treat for Connor to join us for a movie. My dad recently introduced him to Abbott and Costello movies, which Connor wants to watch more than Barney- that must be true love for any three year old. Thankfully, Connor is not afraid of the monsters ("Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstien") and says, "Mom (exasperated), they're not real, they're just pretend!"

My favorite musings from Connor tonight, while watching "Hold That Ghost," are "That Abbott, he's a funny little guy!" and "Those two are opposites- the short, fat one and the tall, skinny one."

But the best one of all is about the Andrews sisters singing in the movie...

"I don't like those girls and I do not think they are good singers."

"Why don't you like those girls, Connor?"

"They have bad hair, Mom."

Well, I can't argue with the bad hair.