Decluttering Continued

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Something about the promise of a new year inspires me to leave 2008 behind and proactively make choices for 2009. I'm definitely in a mode of simplifying, decluttering, and overall, getting the junk out...physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Here's to 2009 and de-junking!


Primal Mama said...

you and I are on the same wave length I think. I just spent the last two hours in my bedroom sorting out bags and bags of clothes that are too small or unwanted to donate.

I've been in a "must declutter everything!" mood lately. I always feel so much better when there is less clutter around me. I've actually noticed a change in my general mood and feeling when my house is clean vs cluttered and untidy...

Jeni said...

We must be!!! I actually want to downsize- I know that sounds so backwards, but I miss our townhouse. Having a yard with a bunch of trees (and all the leaves) is a huge pain...feels like all of our free time is sucked up by house and yard. Our first step is to totally declutter...which WILL take a good year, next step will be to evaluate if we want to stay or sell.