At the Y-M-C-A!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

So, I will admit, I joined our Y in January of 2006 and NEVER used it, with the exception of programs Connor was enrolled in. And if that's not wasteful enough, Mark never used our family membership either. And if THAT'S not enough, my parents didn't use their memberships...$67 a month down the tubes. So, this is the year I find my skinny self again. I've had some health issues that helped me pack on the pounds (PCOS, pituitary/thyroid), however, I also love food. Not in the fast-food obsessive way we have in this country, but in the decadent, gourmet, calorie-laden way. Rich, luscious desserts, sumptuous comfort food dishes, and of course, being a full-time mom and full-time employee elsewhere, whatever I can grab from the kitchen. I love to bake, try new recipes, and every good cook knows that skinny just doesn't taste as good as fat. It is what it is.

I've tried it all when it comes to dieting and eating changes- what's missing is the exercise. I am proud to report that I lost 25 pounds in 2008, via watching what I eat (read, depriving myself of the really good stuff). However, when you're this fat, no one can tell when you lost weight. As I go to declutter at home and settle things as I want them, while committing to not buying things/spending money (another fun challenge in itself), I realized I have NO ENERGY to deal with this mess, and exercise has always given me energy.

So, I did it. I went to the Y last night for my fitness orientation and some perky, 20-something guy asks me what my goals are. Hmmm, is it not obvious??? I was nice- responded weight loss and toning. He set me up on an exercise program and a weight lifting circuit. And "yeah me", I went back today and did my 30 minutes of torture on the elliptical, which I actually started to get into after the first 10 minutes. So, 2 miles down and 200 calories burned, I relinquished my machine for the next guy, walked a few laps to cool down, realized I should have brought a water bottle, and went off in search of a fountain.

My thirst slaked, I went to the weight-lifting circuit and did my machines. Please don't ask which ones; I don't know. I just did what my FitLinxx told me to and I did survive the whole circuit, feeling just a tiny bit sore. And you know what? I feel GREAT! Oh so great! I came home, made a healthy lunch, and Connor and I are off to conquer the clutter downstairs and weed through the toys he no longer plays with.