We're Back!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

After a week in Dallas for work, the stress of re-packing in a few short hours, and waking a 3 year old at 4am to go to the airport (who cried when he had to take his shoes off and Mommy got a pat-down...did I mention how I LOVE when the random security check happens to a family with small children?), we made it to Orlando! And we had a wonderful week! I'm blogging as Connor takes his bath, so I must be brief, but I was so proud of him; a whole week with no naps, extended schedules, routines out the window and mealtimes at odd hours, and NOT ONE meltdown. Woo-hoo! Here are a few pics to get us started, and I hope to post more in the next few days. I have yet to get Christmas cards out and the house is a mess, so this would now be the downside of leaving for 2+ weeks in December, but we certainly enjoyed the time as a family.

Christmas tree at Sea World.

Mark's mom (Judy) and my brother Matty also joined us. Sadly, Matty only had two days off with us, but Connor sure loved having time with his "Uncle Rudy."

Marketplace at Mexico in Epcot, or as Connor calls it "Apri-cot." I know many families with young kids who shy away from this park, but since Connor enjoys understanding how things work, this was a great park for him. His favorite attraction was "The Land." This is a boat ride through gardens and an aquaculture area. The ride that won his heart here is "Test Track." Nothing like zooming along at 65+ mph!

Meeting Mickey again.
Ok, I'm off to put Connor to bed and attempt Christmas cards. More to come soon. In the meantime, Merry Christmas to all!