But Mom!...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

No Wordless Wedness this week; my Canon Powershot has finally seen its last days and I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of my Nikon D40 SLR.

The humidity has dropped here yesterday and today as a nor'easter moves through, and since it was in the high 60s/low 70s, I tried to dress Connor in pants instead of shorts. He's got these cute sweat/lounge pants I picked up at Old Navy last year and he used to love them, even if they were a little big on him. They are now the perfect fit, but when I tried to get them on him yesterday he threw a fit and insisted on "other pants!" I wasn't battling over this, so out came a pair of khaki cargo pants.

Same weather today, but now with the steady rain as the storm moves through and the winds are picking up to 35 mph. Again, tried for the sweatpants and it went like this...

"Mom, I CANNOT wear these pants to school!"

"Why not Connor?"

"Because they are mushy! I cannot wear mushy pants to school and have all the kids see me in these pants; I can't! I need jeans, I need other pants. I AM NOT WEARING THESE PANTS!"

Connor ended up wearing jeans; who knew a boy could be such a diva with the wardrobe?


Amber said...

We've got to get our two together- maybe they would rub off on each other :)