From the Mouths of Babes

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Connor continues to entertain me with his conversations and discoveries; he's a great little problem solver who exclaims "I've got an idea!" Here are two recent situations that had me giggling...

Every morning Connor runs into my room, gives me a big hug and kiss, which he calls the "magic wake-up hug and kiss" and I spring from the bed and proclaim "I'm awake!" Today was no different and after going through the routine I said, "Are you my sweet prince?" and Connor replied "No Mom, I'm not a prince. I don't have a horse." Well, there you go.

A few weeks ago we were out to eat and when it came time to place Connor's order I said, "and the little guy will have..." Connor corrected me and the waiter, stating "Mama, I am a BIG guy, the BIG guy will have..."