NEW BLOG- Final post here

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Hi all- I'm switching over to can continue to keep up with me at

At the Y-M-C-A!

So, I will admit, I joined our Y in January of 2006 and NEVER used it, with the exception of programs Connor was enrolled in. And if that's not wasteful enough, Mark never used our family membership either. And if THAT'S not enough, my parents didn't use their memberships...$67 a month down the tubes. So, this is the year I find my skinny self again. I've had some health issues that helped me pack on the pounds (PCOS, pituitary/thyroid), however, I also love food. Not in the fast-food obsessive way we have in this country, but in the decadent, gourmet, calorie-laden way. Rich, luscious desserts, sumptuous comfort food dishes, and of course, being a full-time mom and full-time employee elsewhere, whatever I can grab from the kitchen. I love to bake, try new recipes, and every good cook knows that skinny just doesn't taste as good as fat. It is what it is.

I've tried it all when it comes to dieting and eating changes- what's missing is the exercise. I am proud to report that I lost 25 pounds in 2008, via watching what I eat (read, depriving myself of the really good stuff). However, when you're this fat, no one can tell when you lost weight. As I go to declutter at home and settle things as I want them, while committing to not buying things/spending money (another fun challenge in itself), I realized I have NO ENERGY to deal with this mess, and exercise has always given me energy.

So, I did it. I went to the Y last night for my fitness orientation and some perky, 20-something guy asks me what my goals are. Hmmm, is it not obvious??? I was nice- responded weight loss and toning. He set me up on an exercise program and a weight lifting circuit. And "yeah me", I went back today and did my 30 minutes of torture on the elliptical, which I actually started to get into after the first 10 minutes. So, 2 miles down and 200 calories burned, I relinquished my machine for the next guy, walked a few laps to cool down, realized I should have brought a water bottle, and went off in search of a fountain.

My thirst slaked, I went to the weight-lifting circuit and did my machines. Please don't ask which ones; I don't know. I just did what my FitLinxx told me to and I did survive the whole circuit, feeling just a tiny bit sore. And you know what? I feel GREAT! Oh so great! I came home, made a healthy lunch, and Connor and I are off to conquer the clutter downstairs and weed through the toys he no longer plays with.

Garlic-Dill Aioli

As my weight-loss quest continues, I am in a constant search for EASY foods that entice my tastebuds, while remaining natural and as unprocessed as possible. My requirement is that I already have most, if not all, ingredients on hand. Returning from the gym today I was craving something that would jazz up my boring turkey sandwich, so here's my creation:

1/3 C. Olive Oil Mayo
2 cloves garlic
1/4-1/2 tsp. dried dill weed (fresh is best, but it is out of season. Go sparingly with fresh)
Twist or two of fresh ground pepper
Optional: fresh lemon juice (1/2 tsp.)

Note, all measurements are approximate- I don't measure anything! Mix all together, use as a sandwich spread. Store, covered, in refrigerator.

Decluttering Continued

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Something about the promise of a new year inspires me to leave 2008 behind and proactively make choices for 2009. I'm definitely in a mode of simplifying, decluttering, and overall, getting the junk out...physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Here's to 2009 and de-junking!

Out with the Old, in with the New!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Ah, surreal it seems. Remember as a kid when you thought Prince's song "1999" seemed light years away? Over the past few years I've completely moved away from the whole bit around resolutions. I was too busy and tired to care, and as a type-A perfectionist the thought of declaring a resolution for something I was sure to break was leaving me in the mood of "why bother?" This year, I feel differently about it.

A friend of mine recently posted a note on Facebook about resolutions, and really, how they are promises we make to ourselves, because we must take care of ourselves, and I tend to agree. I become so busy as mama, wife, employee, daughter, sister, friend, and neighbor that I tend to overlook me. I'm not talking about being selfish, but I am convinced that better care of me certainly means a happier me, which enhances all of my relationships, along with my life. A better me equals a better mama, better wife, and so on.

When I look back over 2008, I've had some great starts that are important to continue. I've started cleaning up this cluttered mess of a house that has no storage. I'm starting to see no storage as a good thing. Unless they are holiday decorations, I probably don't need what is packed away, save for the baby items I wonder if we'll have the opportunity to use again someday. My three big themes for 2009 are faith, health, and simplifying/de-cluttering.

The first two are somewhat obvious...but the simplification goes much deeper than material possessions and a clean house (not that I'm even close to a clean house). There's too much emotional clutter in my life, to the point that I feel scattered, and instead of investing my time and efforts in a few key areas, it becomes spread too thin and renders itself ineffective. And I started to wonder, how many other women feel this way...and I was, may I admit pleasantly, surprised by the answers...many of us struggle with maintaining friendships worth keeping. It's not through a deliberate choice to struggle, but one of allowing everyday life and circumstances take away from our own needs, one of which being strong friendships.

When I look at my mom I see friendships that continue, spanning 35+ years, and I wonder how they did it. Well, they didn't work outside of the home, but that's not the entire answer. There was time made for things we don't tend to make time for anymore...a cup of coffee together, time sewing together, time just to chat. Once we moved, there was also the commitment to continue to stay in touch and to visit. And to this day my mom and her friends make that happen. In this great technological age, with all of its advances, there is also the negative of not needing to make an true effort anymore, and I'm guilty of this as well. Phone calls slack off, letters become non-existent, emails decline, and we are reduced to a hello on the Facebook wall. Again, totally guilty of such.

What does this mean for 2009? I've committed to myself that I will genuinely invest in those relationships that are meaningful to it with a girlfriend around the corner or across the country. And while it sounds harsh, the flip side is I will no longer invest the time or energy in those relationships that lack authenticity, regardless of how long they have been in place. Ah, I feel relief just typing that. How interesting that when we break up with a guy, most of us are direct, specific, and resolute. We are direct with our kids and our spouses, yet why is it that women will not usually take the direct approach in acknowledging when a friendship has gone south? I have one relationship in particular that comes to mind, and I'll admit, I'm not taking the direct approach's not one specific thing, it's not a monumental blow-out type of thing, rather it's years of seeing how different we are and I can no longer bridge that gap. For those in similar situations, struggling with letting a friendship go, I highly recommend

I can assure you, if you are reading this blog, I am not talking about you, except in the sense that I need to focus more and up my efforts :) I wish everyone a wonderful and prosperous 2009, blessed beyond your imaginations! Peace-

We Be Jammin'!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Connor has four primary teachers for preschool this year, plus numerous others that support his class- the gym teacher, music teacher, and so on. In order to be able to give a small gift to all, we made jam. This was my first attempt at jam and it went MUCH better than the peach butter I made this summer. I spent a Saturday morning at Max's house and made peach, raspberry, and blueberry jam- YUM! Connor decorated and stamped gift bags, and we also had homemade cocoa mix in Ball jars. These gifts were a sweet success, at little cost, that I plan to cook up for years to come. We made over 30 jars of jam and 6 jars of cocoa, and all were distributed. Connor also made homemade dough ornaments and he was so proud to give these. And while in the domestic mood, I made buckeyes, rumballs, and fudge for my neighbor. We also received a California Wine gift basket from a neighbor who was playing secret Santa. I love it!

We're Back!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

After a week in Dallas for work, the stress of re-packing in a few short hours, and waking a 3 year old at 4am to go to the airport (who cried when he had to take his shoes off and Mommy got a pat-down...did I mention how I LOVE when the random security check happens to a family with small children?), we made it to Orlando! And we had a wonderful week! I'm blogging as Connor takes his bath, so I must be brief, but I was so proud of him; a whole week with no naps, extended schedules, routines out the window and mealtimes at odd hours, and NOT ONE meltdown. Woo-hoo! Here are a few pics to get us started, and I hope to post more in the next few days. I have yet to get Christmas cards out and the house is a mess, so this would now be the downside of leaving for 2+ weeks in December, but we certainly enjoyed the time as a family.

Christmas tree at Sea World.

Mark's mom (Judy) and my brother Matty also joined us. Sadly, Matty only had two days off with us, but Connor sure loved having time with his "Uncle Rudy."

Marketplace at Mexico in Epcot, or as Connor calls it "Apri-cot." I know many families with young kids who shy away from this park, but since Connor enjoys understanding how things work, this was a great park for him. His favorite attraction was "The Land." This is a boat ride through gardens and an aquaculture area. The ride that won his heart here is "Test Track." Nothing like zooming along at 65+ mph!

Meeting Mickey again.
Ok, I'm off to put Connor to bed and attempt Christmas cards. More to come soon. In the meantime, Merry Christmas to all!